And now Guildford
From the Rt Revd Ian Brackley (Suffragan in the Diocese and currently “in charge”). You will no doubt have heard through the media news of the Pastoral Letter which the House of Bishops has issued as guidance concerning the Same …
From the Rt Revd Ian Brackley (Suffragan in the Diocese and currently “in charge”). You will no doubt have heard through the media news of the Pastoral Letter which the House of Bishops has issued as guidance concerning the Same …
More responses to the House of Bishops’ Statement. First, the Bishop of Oxford. There’s a link here to the House of Bishops Pastoral Letter in response to the forthcoming change in legislation to permit same sex marriage. As the letter makes clear …
It is very possible that in years to come we will look back at the weekend that has just passed as the beginning of the moment of denouement for the Church of England. The publication of the Bishops’ Statement on …
Having had over a day to contemplate the statement from the House of Bishops on Same-Sex Marriage, I have three thoughts that I want to ponder with you. First, the criticism from some quarters that section 20 and 21 are …
It’s good. 23. At ordination clergy make a declaration that they will endeavour to fashion their own life and that of their household ‘according to the way of Christ’ that they may be ‘a pattern and example to Christ’s people’. A requirement …
It’s worth a listen.