More on the “New” Legal Advice
The “new” legal advice is nothing of the sort; it is identical to the one leaked in May by Andrew Brown of the Guardian. Let’s try and piece together the history of this document. 5th July 2010 – The Southwark …
The “new” legal advice is nothing of the sort; it is identical to the one leaked in May by Andrew Brown of the Guardian. Let’s try and piece together the history of this document. 5th July 2010 – The Southwark …
That title is a formal way of asking whether the legal opinion that was offered by Church House as part of the discernment process for the appointment of a new Bishop of Southwark was unfair. A large amount of comment …
I like this curt summary from the Church Mouse of the situation in the Church of England. If you aren’t aware, some bishops are gay. Â But we don’t talk about it. That just about sums up what a lot of …
Andrew Brown of the Guardian has released the two documents leaked to him. The first is Colin Slee’s Memorandum, the second is the legal opinion produced by the Legal Office of Church House.
I thought it would be interesting (with my psephological hat on) to have a look at the full returns from the recent General Synod elections, to see whether I could pick up any interesting insights on the voting patterns. The …
Ruth G has by far the most balanced summary of the vote on D025 and the response at Synod in York. The Archbishop of Canterbury told General Synod today that he ‘regrets’ the decision by The Episcopal Church house of …