You may have spotted this piece in the Times yesterday on a Church of England Vicar sacked for being a swinger. A female vicar who told colleagues that she went on swinging holidays in the South of France and who …

A Landmark Ruling? Read more »

Bishop David Anderson thinks there’s a chance: With regard to "moratoria" on electing/consecrating any new homosexual bishops in the Anglican Communion, the next chance of such an election isn’t in North America. We have become aware through reliable sources that …

Will Jeffrey John make Purple after all? Read more »

The Clone thinks I’m wrong to give it one last go: These are people who want to be called Anglicans but reject the doctrine of the Prayer Book and the Articles. These are people who want to be called Christians …

Will we even get as far as a Moratorium? Read more »

Ahh yes…. So I’ve been plagued for a few days by emails asking me what I think about GAFCON, the latest nonsense from the Church of England General Synod and other such what not. I’ve been sitting on my hands …

GAFCON, Women Bishops and the End of the World… Read more »

The first is from the GAFCON final statement: We urge the Primates’ Council to authenticate and recognise confessing Anglican jurisdictions, clergy and congregations and to encourage all Anglicans to promote the gospel and defend the faith. We recognise the desirability …

Three Quick Quotes Read more »

You may have noticeed a piece produced on behalf of Inclusive Church that emerged onto the web a few days ago, arguing that current guidelines would permit a service of thanksgiving, including a blessing, for a civil partnership. You can …

Inclusive Church try to argue for Gay Blessings Read more »