Who Would You Prefer?
Got any career ambitions? I’ve been having a few interesting chats with people over the past few weeks about the way that the Church of England handles preferment. Not that I see myself as a candidate for high office you …
Got any career ambitions? I’ve been having a few interesting chats with people over the past few weeks about the way that the Church of England handles preferment. Not that I see myself as a candidate for high office you …
Yes, the great survey that we had this week is over. A massive 55 of you participated in this ground-breaking exercise in harnessing the wisdom of the crowds (or summat). Here are the results. [poll id=”9″] Hmmmm… The forecast with …
News comes to me from Chichester Diocese that the flawed Changing Attitude “Survey” that was issued last year has been reissued again. Apparently production values are not very high, with what is being described as “a photocopy of a photocopy” coming …
The Flawed Changing Attitude Sussex Survey Re-Emerges Read more »
Really interesting opinion lining up with what the Church of England is saying. What the Government assurance is ignoring is the fact that, in law, there is no difference between “Civil” as opposed to “Religious” marriage both are in law …
The following is a guest post by Revd Richard England, a Curate in Derby Diocese about to move to his first incumbency. ————- Remembering Rowan: A Voice from the Trenches Lots of people will be writing obituaries of Archbishop Rowan’s …
A great letter in this week’s Church Times from Nigel Seed, the Chancellor and Vicar General of London Diocese (so basically, a very important and clever person). Sir, — The Revd Gavin Foster (Letters, 17 February) accused Canon Giles Fraser …