Reasonable and Holy – A Review
Let me get one thing straight right at the start. I really wanted to like this book. I did, I truly did. I was looking forward to getting my hands on a book written from a liberal perspective on human …
Let me get one thing straight right at the start. I really wanted to like this book. I did, I truly did. I was looking forward to getting my hands on a book written from a liberal perspective on human …
I thought it would be interesting (with my psephological hat on) to have a look at the full returns from the recent General Synod elections, to see whether I could pick up any interesting insights on the voting patterns. The …
I decided that in order to have a valid input in commenting on other people’s plans, it would be fair if I actually grappled with the liturgical sources they were going to use. To that end I got hold of …
Now there’s a controversial title to a post if I ever saw one. I don’t expect what I write to be popular with everybody who reads this blog, but a number of pieces by others over the past few weeks …