Losing Zachary
The more observant of you will have noticed that my blogging over the past month hasn’t been as prolific as normal. I’m now in a position to tell you what’s been occupying us for the past month and give you …
The more observant of you will have noticed that my blogging over the past month hasn’t been as prolific as normal. I’m now in a position to tell you what’s been occupying us for the past month and give you …
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to use two hands simultaneously to be able to update this page! Thanks for your patience! The trick we’ve found today is The Mothercare Sling, which has given me a chance …
Just a quick "thank you" to everybody who’s prayed for us over the past three days. Gayle’s milk has kicked in, Reuben is lapping it up and has done three nice long sleeps (2+ hours) without swaddling. All we need …
Our default hospital was presented to us as the Queen Elizabeth II (QE2) in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. At the time we were allocated to it (pretty much as soon as the pregnancy was confirmed back in September 2007) we …
Baruch is 36 weeks!! Almost full term!!! Your baby is still gaining weight — about an ounce/ 28 grams a day. She weighs nearly 6 pounds/ 2.7 kilograms and is 19 inches/ 45 centimetres long from head to toe. You …
This is our Baruch. We were privileged to have a 4D scan (the fourth dimension is time, not hyperspace, in case you were confused..!) back in March when we were 29 weeks pregnant. It was just the most amazing experience! …